Here at R.D.R., we are you 1 stop shop for Popcorn ceiling removal. Popcorn removal is not always difficult, but it is very messy. We make sure to take great care of your home.
Our experts take the time to prep your house properly. We try to cover up as much of your walls as possible. This is done by covering your walls with plastic. We don't forget your floors as well. We make sure that everything is taped together so that we limit the mess when we remove the plastic. We do know that we will have some areas that might get dirty but rest assured that when we are done we will clean up after ourselves.
If after popcorn ceiling removal we see that there is drywall repairs that are needed we will address it at that time with you.
Some of the most common things we find needed during the process are drywall tape repair. Another thing that we tend to find is drywall stress cracks. That is another type of Drywall Repair.
We got you covered whether you choose
Orange peel; Fine, Medium and Heavy
Knockdown; Fine, Medium and Heavy
Skip trowel or almost Smooth
you will have your textured ceiling the way you like it to be.